Portraits de Maîtres

16 June - 16 July 2020

Portraiture is said to have originated over 5000 years ago. However, it is in the 20th century that portraiture seems to have evolved the most, from figurative, to cubist, to completely abstract, the representation of the human bust has taken many and various forms to which the Galerie Jean-François Cazeau pays tribute in this exhibition.


Le portrait serait né il y a plus de 5000 ans. Mais c'est au XXe siècle que le portrait semble avoir le plus évolué, du figuratif au cubiste, en passant par l'abstrait, la représentation du buste humain a pris des formes multiples et variées auxquelles la Galerie Jean-François Cazeau rend hommage à travers cette exposition.


We welcome you to view artworks in detail via a video call.  Please contact the gallery to schedule a video visit: jfc@galeriejfcazeau.com